B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Biomolecular Engineering concentration (2009-present).
Professional Experience
Federal-Mogul (January 2011 - April 2012)
Technical Engineer, operated an analytical materials testing lab. Specifics include determining the chemical and physical properties
of different mixtures and pads. Used several types of analyzing machines, such as scanning electron microscope, FTIR, differential
scanning alorimeter, thermogravimetric analyzer, suface area analyzer, and particle size analyzer.
Eastman Chemical Company (Summer 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013)
Chemical Engineering Co-op.
Summer 2012 Term: Worked in the Acetate Process Developement group. My project focused on optimizing
the filtration production process. Modeled, developed, and operated Dynamic Imaging Particle Analysis software.
Academic Awards
04/2012: First Place at the "7th Annual Student Research Day", Awarded a Research medal in the Chemical Engineering Biomolecular Concentration section,
with the poster "Insulator based Dielectrophoresis: effect of insulator geometry on particle trapping". See picture here.
04/2012: URECA Grant grantes by Tennessee Tech Office of Research to develop the project: "Dielectrophoretic particle manipulation in microfluidic devices
Research Projects
Mathematical modeling and experimentation with insulator-based Dielectrophoretic Devices.
Refereed journal articles
Adams, B.; Sanders, R.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; "Effect of insulator geometry on microparticle trapping effiency in insulator-based Dielectrophoresis", In preparation, 2012.
Adams, B.; Redmon, R.; Buehrig, V. "A Search for Exoplanets in NGC 957" RBSE Journal 2008: 53-67
Conference proceedings and extended abstracts with ISBN