Javier L. Baylon Cardiel's page


Research subject

Simulation and design of microdevices for Dielectrophoresis


  1. Martinez-Duarte, R.; Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Martinez-Chapa, S.O.; Madou, M.J.; “Electromagnetic characterization of a carbon-electrode array for label-free particle filtering using dielectrophoresis”. In preparation for Lab on a Chip, 2011. I.F 6.478.
  2. Moncada Hernández, H.; Baylon Cardiel, J.L.; Pérez-González, V.H.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.;* "Insulator- based dielectrophoresis of microorganisms: theoretical and experimental results", accepted for publication in May 2011, Electrophoresis in March 2011, I.F. 3.007.
  3. Srivastava S. K., Baylon-Cardiel J.L., Lapizco-Encinas,B.H. Minerick A.R.*, A continuous DC-insulator dielectrophoretic sorter of microparticles, Journal of Chromatography A, 1218(13): 1780-1789, 2011. I.F 4.101
  4. Chávez-Santoscoy, A,V.; Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Moncada Hernández, H.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; “On the selectivity of an insulator-based dielectrophoretic microdevice",Separation Science and Tecnology,46(3): 384-394,2011. I.F. 1.139.
  5. Baylon-Cardiel J.L., Jesús-Pérez, N.M., Chávez-Santoscoy, A,V.; Lapizco-Encinas B.H.* Controlled microparticle manipulation employing low frequency alternating electric fields in an array of insulators, Lab on a Chip, 10(23):3235-3242, 2010. I.F 6.342
  6. Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Lapizco-Encinas,B.H.; Reyes-Betanzo,C.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O; “Prediction of trapping zones in an Insulator-based dielectrophoretic device”. Lab on a Chip, 9(20):2896-2901, 2009. I.F 6.478. Article awarded with the journal back cover.
  7. Martínez-López,J.I.; Moncada-Hernández,H.; Baylon-Cardiel,J.L.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; Rito-Palomares,M.; Lapizco-Encinas,B.H.; “Characterization of electrokinetic mobility of microparticles in order to improve dielectrophoretic concentration”. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 394(1):293-302, 2009 I.F. 3.328.
  8. Mora, M.F.; Nejadnik, R.; Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Giacomelli, C.E.; Garcia, C.D.; “Determination of a Setup Correction Function to Obtain Adsorption Kinetic Data at Stagnation Point Flow Conditions”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 346(1):208-215,2010. I.F. 2.443.

Conference proceedings and extended abstracts

  1. Baylon-Cardiel J.L., Jesús-Pérez, N.M., Chávez-Santoscoy, A,V.; Lapizco-Encinas B.H.* Microparticle Manipulation Employing Low Frequency AC Electric Fields with Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis, 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1065-6.
  2. Chávez-Santoscoy, A,V.; Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Moncada-Hernández, H., Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.* Assessing Particle Selectivity of An Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Microdevice, 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1065-6.
  3. Moncada-Hernández, H.; Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Lapizco-Encinas B.H.* Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Microorganisms in An Array of Insulators: Theoretical and Experimental Results. 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1065-6.
  4. Baylon-Cardiel, J.L. ; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; “Particle Manipulation Employing Alternating Current Electric Fields in An Array of Insulators”. 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1058-6.
  5. Baylon-Cardiel, J.L. ; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Reyes-Betanzo, C.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; “Modeling of the location and magnitude of dielectrophoretic traps in an array of cylindrical insulating structures”. 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings on CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1058-6.
  6. Baylon Cardiel, J.L., Lapizco Encinas, B.H. Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; “Prediction of trapping zones in an Insulator based dielectrophoretic device”. Compendio de Resúmenes del 39° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey NL, México, 15-16 de enero 2009, pp. 207-207, 2009, ISBN:978-607-7517-34-4.


  1. Baylon-Cardiel,J.L.; Jesús-Pérez, N.M.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A,V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; Lapizco-Encinas B.H.; Oral presentation: “Microparticle Manipulation Employing Low Frequency AC Electric Fields with Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis”. AICHE Annual Meeting 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, EUA, (11/2010). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2010/webprogrampreliminary/Paper185809.html
  2. Chávez-Santoscoy, A,V.; Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Moncada-Hernández, H., Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.* Assessing Particle Selectivity of An Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Microdevice, AICHE Annual Meeting 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, EUA, (11/2010). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2010/webprogrampreliminary/Paper187037.html
  3. Moncada-Hernández, H.; Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Lapizco-Encinas B.H.; Oral presentation: “Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Microorganisms in An Array of Insulators: Theoretical and Experimental Results”. AICHE Annual Meeting 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, EUA, (11/2010). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2010/webprogrampreliminary/Paper187037.html
  4. Baylon-Cardiel J.L., Jesús-Pérez, N.M., Chávez-Santoscoy, A,V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O, Lapizco-Encinas B.H*., Dielectrophoretic Manipulation of Particles Employing Low Frequency Alternating Electric Fields in an Array of Insulators, ITP 2010: 17th International Symposium on Capillary Electroseparation Techniques, Baltimore, MD, USA, (8/2010). http://fp.okstate.edu/2010/program.htm
  5. Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; “Particle Manipulation Employing Alternating Current Electric Fields in An Array of Insulators”. 40° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Sistema ITESM, Monterrey, NL, México, (01/2010).
  6. Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Reyes-Betanzo, C.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; “Modeling of the location and magnitude of dielectrophoretic traps in an array of cylindrical insulating structures”. 40° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Sistema ITESM, Monterrey, NL, México, (01/2010).
  7. Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Poster: Particle Manipulation Employing Alternating Current Electric Fields in An Array of Insulators, AICHE Annual Meeting 2009, Nashville, TN, EUA, (11/2009). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2009/webprogram/Paper165020.html
  8. Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; Reyes-Betanzo, C.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Oral presentation: “Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis with Direct Current Electric Fields”. AICHE Annual Meeting 2009, Nashville, TN, EUA, (11/2009). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2009/webprogram/Paper149716.html
  9. Lapizco-Encinas B.H.; Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; Talk: “Application of AC and DC Electric Fields in Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis”. 36th Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (36th FACSS), Louisville, KY, EUA, (10/2009).
  10. Baylón Cardiel, J.L.; Móncada-Hernández, H.; Chávez-Santoscoy, A.V; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; Lapizco-Encinas B.H.; Poster: “Mathematical modeling of bioparticle trapping in an insulator-based dielectrophoretic device”. GRC conference Microfluidics, Physics & Chemistry Of, Il Ciocco Hotel and Resort, Lucca (Barga) Tuscany, Italy (06/2009)
  11. Martínez López, J.I.; Moncada Hernández, H.; Baylón Cardiel, J.L.; Martínez Chapa, S.O.; Rito Palomares, M.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Poster: “Determinación de velocidades electrocinéticas para la optimización del atrapamiento dielectroforético de Saccharomyces cerevisiae”. 13o. Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería, Acapulco, Guerrero, México (06/2009).
  12. Martínez López, J.I.; Moncada Hernández, H.; Baylón Cardiel, J.L.; Martínez Chapa, S.O.; Rito-Palomares, M.; Lapizco Encinas, B.H.; Poster: “Optimization of dielectrophoretic trapping of Saccharomyces cerevisiae”. 15o. International Conference on Biopartitioning and Purification. United Kingdom. (06/2009).
  13. Baylon Cardiel, J.L.; Lapizco Encinas, B.H.; Martínez-Chapa, S. O.; Oral presentation: “Prediction of trapping zones in an Insulator based dielectrophoretic device”. 39° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Sistema ITESM, Monterrey, NL, Mexico, (01/2009).
  14. Baylon-Cardiel, J.L.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Martínez-Chapa, S.O.; “Prediction of Trapping Zones in an Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Device”. 25th Annual AES Meeting In conjunction with the AIChE Annual Meeting 2008, Philadelphia, PA, EUA, (11/2008).