Dr. Roberto Carlos Gallo-Villanueva

Roberto joined Tecnologico de Monterrey as a Researcher

Roberto will start his new job at Tecnologico de Monterrey on July 2nd 2012. He will be joining the BioMEMS Research Chair as Reseacher. We wish Roberto the best now that he is starting his independent research career. CONGRATULATIONS ROBERTO!

ROBERTO GRADUATED!!! He defended his PhD Dissertation on May 14 2012

Roberto C. Gallo-villanueva defended his PhD Dissertation on May 14 2012. Roberto received the "Distinguished Dissertation Award", which is the highest honor that Tecnologico de Monterrey awards at the PhD level. Dissertation Title: “Design, Applications and Performance of Insulator-Based Dielectrophoretic Devices” CONGRATULATIONS ROBERTO!

Academic background

Work experience

Research area

Design of a microdevice for dielectrophoresis Objective: Design of a microdevice for the separation, fractionation and concentration of complex mixtures of bioparticles by means of dielectrophoresis, which will have different geometric arrangements in their insulator structures to maximize separation by applying an electric field

Research projects

Refereed journal articles

  1. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Sano, M.B., Lapizco-Encinas B.H., Davalos, R.V.,* "Combination of AC contacless dielectrophoresis and DC electroosmotic flow for separation of particles", in preparation.
  2. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Lapizco-Encinas B.H., Davalos, R.V.,* "Joule heating effects in multipart insulator-based dielectrophoretic microdevices", in preparation, Biomicrofluidics, 2011, I.F. 3.8.
  3. Salmanzadeh, A., Romero, L., Shafiee, H., Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Stremler, M.A., Cramer, S.D., Davalos, R.V., "Isolation of prostate tumor initiating cells (TICs) through their dielectrophoretic signature", Lab on a chip, 12:182-189, 2012.
  4. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Davalos, R.V., Lapizco-Encinas B.H.,* "Separation of mixtures of particles in a multipart microdevice employing insulator-based dielectrophoresis". Electrophoresis, 32(18), 2456–2465, 2011, I.F. 3.569.
  5. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Jesús-Pérez, N.M., Martínez-López, J.I., Pacheco-Moscoa, A., Lapizco- Encinas, B.H.*, Assessment of microalgae viability employing insulator-based dielectrophoresis. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 10(6):1305-1315, 2011, I.F. 3.286.
  6. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Rodríguez-López C.E., Díaz-de-la-Garza R.I., Reyes-Betanzo C., Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.* DNA manipulation by means of inslator-based dielectrophoresis in presence of a DC electric field, Electrophoresis, 30(24):4195-4205, 2009. I.F.3.509. Article awarded with the journal front cover.

Technical articles

  1. Gallo-Villanueva R.C., Lapizco-Encinas, B.H*. Descripción de la técnica dielectroforesis con estructuras aisladoras, In press, Revista Ciencias, journal published by Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), ISSN 0187-6376.
  2. Gallo-Villanueva R.C., Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.;Insulator-based dielectrophoresis for bioparticle manipulation; American Electrophoresis Society Newsletter, Volume 14, Issue 1,pp. 3-4, 2009. Article included as Application Focus.

Conference proceedings and extended abstracts

  1. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Pérez-González, V.H.; Davalos, R.V.; Lapizco Encinas, B.H.* Dielectrophoretic separation of particles in a multi-section device. 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings in CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2011.
  2. Salmanzadeh, A.; Kittur, H.; Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Sano, M.B.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Stremler, M.A.; Schmelz, E.M.; Davalos, R.V.* Dielectrophoretic Signature of Mouse Ovarian Surface Epithelium Cells. 2011 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings in CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2011.
  3. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Jesús-Pérez, N.M.; Martínez-López, J.I.; Pacheco-Moscoa, A.; Alvarez, M.M.; Lapizco Encinas, B.H.* Assessment of Microalgae Viability Employing Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis. 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings in CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1065-6.
  4. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.* Particle manipulation in a multi-section insulator-based dielectrophoresis microdevice. 2010 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings in CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1065-6.
  5. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C, Rodríguez-López C.E., Díaz-de-la-Garza R.I., Reyes-Betanzo C., Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.,* Concentration and Separation of DNA employing insulator-based dielectrophoresis and DC electric fields, 40° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey NL, Mexico, January 20-22 2010, ISBN: 978-607-501-0007.
  6. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C, Jesús-Pérez, N.M., Martínez López, J.I., Pacheco-Moscoa, A., Alvarez, M.M.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.* Viable and Non Viable Microalgae Fractionation Employing Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis. 40° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey NL, Mexico, January 20-22 2010, ISBN: 978-607-501-0007.
  7. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C, Rodríguez-López C.E., Díaz-de-la-Garza R.I., Reyes-Betanzo C., Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.,* Concentration and Separation of DNA employing insulator-based dielectrophoresis and DC electric fields. 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings in CD-ROM, New York, NY, AIChE, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1058-6.
  8. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C, Jesús-Pérez, N.M., Martínez López, J.I., Pacheco-Moscoa, A., Alvarez, M.M., Lapizco Encinas, B.H.* Viable and Non Viable Microalgae Fractionation Employing Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis. 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings in CD-ROM, New York,NY, AIChE, 2009. ISBN: 978-0-8169-1058-6.
  9. Martínez-López J.I., Gallo-Villanueva, R.C, Hernández-Mireles, I., Martínez-Chapa S.O. Álvarez, M.M. Lapizco-Encinas B.H*., "Microalgae Dielectrophoretic Concentration", 39° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey NL, Mexico, January 15-16 2009, pp. 147, 2009, ISBN:978-607-7517-34-4.

Conference presentations

  1. Lapizco-Encinas B.H*., Moncada-Hernández H., Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Pérez-González, V.H., Baylon-Cardiel J.L., Davalos, R., \ Insulator-based dielectrophoresis for bioparticle manipulation: theoretical and experimental results, 17th Latin-American Symposium on Biotechnology, Biomedical, Biopharmaceutical and Industrial Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis and Microchip Technology (LACE 2011), Hollywood FL, USA, (12/2011).
  2. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Pérez-González, V.H.; Davalos, R.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.;* Dielectrophoretic separation of particles in a multi-Section device, AICHE Annual Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA, (10/2011).
  3. Salmanzadeh, A.; Kittur, H.; Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Sano, M.B.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Stremler, M.A.; Schmelz, E.M.; Davalos, R.;* Dielectrophoretic Separation of Mouse Ovarian Surface Epithelium Cells, AICHE Annual Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA, (10/2011).
  4. Sano, M.B.; Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.; Davalos, R.V.* Poster: Separation of particles using contacless dielectrophoresis and electrokinetic flow, AICHE Annual Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, MN, USA, (10/2011).
  5. Lapizco-Encinas B.H*., Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Moncada-Hernández H., Pérez-González, V.H., Baylon-Cardiel J.L., Davalos, R., Development of insulator-based dielectrophoretic systems for handling bioparticles, 38th Conference of the Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (38th FACSS), Reno NV, USA, (10/2011). Invited talk with paid expenses.
  6. Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.;* Moncada-Hernández H.; Pérez-Gonzalez, V.H.; Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Baylón-Cardiel J., and Davalos, R.; Direct Current Insulator Based Dielectrophoresis: Theoretical and Experimental Results, GRC Conference Microfluidics, Physics & Chemistry of, Waterville Valley, NH, US, (06/26/2011 - 07/01/2011).
  7. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Jesús-Pérez, N.M.; Martínez-López, J.I.; Pacheco-Moscoa, A.; Alvarez, M.M.; Lapizco Encinas, B.H.* Assessment of Microalgae Viability Employing Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis. AICHE Annual Meeting 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, EUA, (11/2010). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2010/webprogrampreliminary/Paper187657.html
  8. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C.; Lapizco Encinas, B.H.* Poster: Particle manipulation in a multi-section insulator -based dielectrophoresis microdevice. AICHE Annual Meeting 2010, Salt Lake City, UT, EUA, (11/2010). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2010/webprogrampreliminary/Paper192248.html
  9. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Jesús-Pérez, N.M.; Martínez-López, J.I.; Pacheco-Moscoa, A.; Alvarez, M.M.; Lapizco Encinas, B.H.* Viable and Non Viable Microalgae Fractionation Employing Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis. 40° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Sistema ITESM, Monterrey, N.L. (01/2010).
  10. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Rodríguez-López C.E., Díaz-de-la-Garza R.I., Reyes-Betanzo C., Lapizco-Encinas, B.H.* DNA manipulation by means of insulator-based dielectrophoresis employing direct current electric fields, 40° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo del Sistema ITESM, Monterrey, N.L. (01/2010).
  11. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Carlos E. Rodríguez-López, Rocío I. Diaz-de-la-Garza, Claudia Reyes-Betanzo, Blanca H. Lapizco-Encinas, Concentration and Separation of DNA Employing Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis and DC Electric Fields, AIChE Annual Meeting 2009, Nashville TN, EUA, (11/2009). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2009/webprogrampreliminary/ Paper148733.html
  12. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Jesús-Pérez, N.M., Martínez López, J.I., Pacheco-Moscoa, A., Alvarez, M.M., Lapizco Encinas, B.H.* Poster: Viable and Non Viable Microalgae Fractionation Employing Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis. AIChE Annual Meeting 2009, Nashville TN, EUA, (11/2009). http://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2009/webprogrampreliminary/Paper169970.html
  13. Martínez-López J.I., Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Hernández-Mireles, I., Martínez-Chapa S.O. Álvarez, M.M. Lapizco-Encinas B.H*., Poster: Microalgae Dielectrophoretic Concentration, 25th Annual AES Meeting In conjunction with the AIChE Annual Meeting 2008, Philadelphia, PA, EUA, (11/2008).
  14. Gallo-Villanueva, R.C., Martínez-López J.I., Hernández-Mireles, I., Martínez-Chapa, S.O. Álvarez, M.M. Lapizco-Encinas B.H*., Oral: Concentración Dielectroforética de Microalgas, 39° Congreso de Investigación y Desarrollo, ITESM, Campus Monterrey, Monterrey, México (01-2009).