About the Microscale BioSeparations (MBS) Lab

The MBS Lab is a research group working on separation, sorting, and detection techniques of nano- and microbioparticles. We focus on the following electrokinetics techniques: dielectrophoresis, electrophoresis and electroosmosis.

Our main objective is to develop robust and rapid microfluidic-based techniques to offer an alternative to traditional bench scale separation/purification processes. Our ultimate goal is to create portable laboratories in the style of "lab on a chip".

We work with a wide array of bioparticles including proteins, DNA, viruses, bacteria, yeast, microalgae and mammalian cells.

Link to our Electrokinetic Library: EK Library

Principal Investigator

Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco Encinas

Editor-in-Chief, ELECTROPHORESIS Microscale Bioseparations Laboratory
Biomedical Engineering Department
Rochester Institute of Technology
Email: bhlbme@rit.edu
Phone: 585-475-2773
Fax: 585-475-5041