Outstanding Professor Award by Omega Chi Epsilon (OXE)
Omega Chi Epsilon (OXE), which is the the American honor society for chemical engineering students, granted to Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas
the Outstanding Professor Award in April 2012.
Guest Editor for "DIELECTROPHORESIS 2013"
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas has been invited as “Guest Editor” for the journal ELECTROPHORESIS,
the invitation is to edit the special issue entitled “Dielectrophoresis 2013”. This special issue is to be published in April 2013.
This is second time this special issue is Edited. Dielectrophoresis 2011 was published with great sucess in September 2011.
Dielectrophoresis 2011: see issue 17 from volume 32 of Electrophoresis
Dielectrophoresis 2011: see issue 18 from volume 32 of Electrophoresis
Keynote Speaker at the ITP 2012
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas has been invited Invited as Keynote Speaker at the ITP 2012—19th International Symposium,
Exhibit & Workshops on Electro- and Liquid Phase-separation Techniques, September 30 – October 3, 2012, Baltimore Inner Harbor Maryland, USA
See ITP 2012 Webpage
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas has been elected Vice-President of AES
In October 2011 Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was Elected Vice-President of the American Electrophoresis Society.
See AES's page
Deputy Editor of the Journal Electrophoresis
In August 2011 Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was apointted Deputy Editor of the Journal Electrophoresis.
See Journal's page
Héctor is now a PhD Candidate!
In August 2011 Héctor officially passed the PhD qualifying examinations at Tec de Monterrey, Héctor is now a PhD Candidate, his expected grduation
date is December 2012. Héctor has now 4 published journal articles and several conference presentations.
See Héctor's page
Héctor is at Michigan Tech
Héctor started in June 2011 a one-year research stay at Michigan Tech, Héctor is visiting the Lab of Dr. Adrienne Minerick
See lab Website
Roberto is at Virginia Tech
Roberto started in January 2011 a one-year research stay at Virginia Tech, Roberto is visiting the Lab of Dr. Rafael Davalos
See lab Website
Invited Seminar
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco was invited to give a seminar on January 25th, 2011 at the Chemical Engineering Department at Tennessee Tech University.
Dr. Blanca Lapizco has been granted Level II by SNI (Mexican Researchers System)
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco has been granted Level II by SNI, SNI is the Mexican Researcher's System. Dr. Lapizco is the first female scientist to be awarded SNI level II at CINVESTAV-Monterrey"
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco was invited as Guest Editor by the Journal Electrophoresis, to edit the special issue "Dielectrophoresis 2011"
See call for papers
Invited Seminar
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco was invited to give a seminar on September 10th, 2010 at the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department at Arizona State University.
Javier defended his MSc Thesis
Javier L. Baylón-Cardiel defended his MSc Thesis on May 14th 2010, Javier finished his MSc in 3 semesters!
Héctor defended his MSc Thesis
Héctor Moncada-Hernández defended his MSc Thesis on December 7th 2009, Héctor finished his MSc in 3 semesters!
Héctor's first paper as a fisrt author got accepted on December 17th 2009.
The article "DNA manipulation by means of insulator based dielectrophoresis in the presence of a DC electric fields" was awarded
the cover of ELECTROPHORESIS, volume 30, issue 24, December 2009. This research was carried out by Roberto C. Gallo Villanueva and Carlos E. Rodríguez López
Congratulations Roberto and Carlos!
Elected as Councilor of the American Electrophoresis Society
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was selected as a Councilor of the American Electrophoresis Society, November 2009.
Induction to the Mexican Academy of Sciences
Dr. Blanca Lapizco-Encinas was inducted as a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences in October 2009, she is the only female member at CINVESTAV-Monterrey
Dr. Blanca Lapizco was invited to "Los Pinos" to meet the first Lady Lic. Margarita Zavala, as one of the female scientists awarded with the
L'oreal "For women in science" award (March 2009).
Principal Investigator
Dr. Blanca H. Lapizco Encinas
Associate Professor, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
Microscale Bioseparations Laboratory
Rochester Institute of Technology
Email: bhlbme@rit.edu
Ph: 585-475-2773, Fax: 585-475-5041